MC14049U Hex Buffers
44Stck in Stange/ 0,50 € = 22,- € Gesamt
Hex Buffers
The MC14049UB hex inverter/buffer is constructed with MOS
P–channel and N–channel enhancement mode devices in a single
monolithic structure. This complementary MOS device finds primary
use where low power dissipation and/or high noise immunity is
desired. This device provides logic–level conversion using only one
supply voltage, VDD. The input–signal high level (VIH) can exceed the
VDD supply voltage for logic–level conversions. Two TTL/DTL
Loads can be driven when the device is used as CMOS–to–TTL/DTL
converters (VDD = 5.0 V, VOL 0.4 V, IOL ≥ 3.2 mA). Note that pins
13 and 16 are not connected internally on this device; consequently
connections to these terminals will not affect circuit operation.
• High Source and Sink Currents
• High–to–Low Level Converter
• Supply Voltage Range = 3.0 V to 18 V
• Meets JEDEC UB Specifications
• VIN can exceed VDD
• Improved ESD Protection on All Inputs