OMRON B3F-1000 Series Tactile Switch
3600 Stck Lagervorrat
100 Stck. / Einheit = 5,- €
5 x 1.500 Stck. original verschlossen
202411-002-053 / 75,- €
202411-002-054 / 75,- €
202411-002-055 / 75,- €
202411-002-056 / 75,- €
202411-002-057 / 75,- €
Through-hole-mounting Switches
in a Wide Range of Models:
6 × 6 mm, 12 × 12 mm, Side-operated
Models, Gold-plated Contacts, and
Radial Tape
• Extended mechanical/electrical durability: 10 x 106
operations for 12 x 12 mm type and 1 x 106
operations for the 6 x 6 mm type
• Taped radial type, vertical type and high force
types are available.
• Gold plated models available for increased
contact reliability, resistance to corrosive gas and
insulation failure prevention for ion migration in
harsh environments
• B32-series Key Tops mount to models with
projected plungers.
RoHS Compliant
ohne Garantie keine Rücknahme